What is Educational Kinesiology?
A comprehensive mind/body integration programme for all ages. It incorporates movement to enhance our abilities and confidence—in learning, sport, performing arts, communication, or wherever our challenges may lie.
Founded in 1987 by specialist educator Paul Dennison, PhD, and his wife/colleague Gail E. Dennison at his remedial learning centre in California. Educational Kinesiology is the 20 year outcome of conducting experiential and experimental research, after noticing a correlation between learning challenges and postural, physical or perceptual stresses.
Kinesiologists use the tool of muscle checking to work with clients one on one. Educational Kinesiologists have completed the core training and are required to be registered with Educational Kinesiology (Brain Gym) NZ inc.

What is Brain Gym?
Brain Gym is the fundamental programme of Educational Kinesiology movements and balances.
An internationally recognised programme used to coordinate the whole brain, senses and body for improved learning and self-development.
The Brain Gym programme is a holistic system based on the principles of kinesiology and learning theory. A combination of 26 designed movement activities (or exercises) that benefit everyday life. Supporting individuals to perform daily tasks with more ease, experience improved movement, posture, sensory processing and lowered stress levels.
Developed by learning specialist Paul E. Dennison, PhD, and his wife and partner Gail E. Dennison in the 1980s. After experiencing the benefits personally, many people have gone on to become Educational Kinesiology Consultants or Brain Gym Instructors.
Potential Benefits
​Many individuals report observing and feeling a positive result after performing the movements regularly over a short period of time. To experience longer lasting changes, regular practice of the movements is essential.
Academic skills – reading, writing, spelling and maths
Memory, concentration and focus
Behaviour management
Emotional stability
Self-development and personal stress management
Sleep and relaxation
Organisational skills
Physical coordination and balance
Sports performance
Communication skills and language development
Achievement of goals - both professional & personal, individuals & groups