I have long been interested in the influence of dominance on how people learn, especially in early childhood, and how to teach different kinds of learners. Brain Gym and Educational Kinesiology combine brilliantly with tutoring to develop the physical skills needed for learning; vision, listening, and coordination which all underlie academic success.
I work as a "Learning Detective" kinesiologist by asking the below questions to discover a client's needs:
What lies under the surface of the learning challenges you are experiencing?
How can I best show you the impact this has on you?
What can I do to assist you in overcoming them?
How can you become the best version of yourself?
Lots of things hinder the ability to learn and remember. I work with fine and gross motor movement and coordination, vision, hearing, confidence and attention, so anyone, any age, can better cope with academic skills, work, play and self-management. Some of this has underlying stress issues we don’t even know about—physical, emotional, environmental, and energetic.
A special interest of mine is working with children who have poor movement — gross and fine. I use a wide range of kinesiology training and reflex integration work including Rhythmic Movement. For adults, work is mostly in the area of personal growth and emotional challenges.
I have a referral network that includes schools, parents, teachers and other specialists. I have run a full-time clinic from home since the 1980s. Most sessions are an hour, with the first one often being 1 1/2 hours.
Introduction to Brain Gym
BG101 - Brain Gym 101
VC220 - Vision Circles
OBO201 - Optimal Brain Organisation
EID301 - Educational Kinesiology In Depth
P401 - Brain Gym Teacher Practicum
CV360 - Creative Vision
Touch for Health I—IV
TCR311 - Total Core Repatterning
MRE350 - Movement Re-Education
Brain Dominance Profiles
A variety of my own movement development short courses for teachers
Clinical skills course for Consultants
BA Hons, (VUW)
Diploma in Education (Massey)
Diploma in Teaching (Canterbury)
Learning clinic combining kinesiology and tutoring since 1984
Brain Gym International Faculty since 1992
Brain Gym and Touch for Health Instructor
I have long been interested in the influence of dominance on how people learn, especially in early childhood, and how to teach different kinds of learners. Brain Gym and Educational Kinesiology combine brilliantly with tutoring to develop the physical skills needed for learning; vision, listening, and coordination which all underlie academic success.
I work as a "Learning Detective" kinesiologist by asking the below questions to discover a client's needs:
What lies under the surface of the learning challenges you are experiencing?
How can I best show you the impact this has on you?
What can I do to assist you in overcoming them?
How can you become the best version of yourself?
Lots of things hinder the ability to learn and remember. I work with fine and gross motor movement and coordination, vision, hearing, confidence and attention, so anyone, any age, can better cope with academic skills, work, play and self-management. Some of this has underlying stress issues we don’t even know about—physical, emotional, environmental, and energetic.
A special interest of mine is working with children who have poor movement — gross and fine. I use a wide range of kinesiology training and reflex integration work including Rhythmic Movement. For adults, work is mostly in the area of personal growth and emotional challenges.
I have a referral network that includes schools, parents, teachers and other specialists. I have run a full-time clinic from home since the 1980s. Most sessions are an hour, with the first one often being 1 1/2 hours.
Introduction to Brain Gym
BG101 - Brain Gym 101
VC220 - Vision Circles
OBO201 - Optimal Brain Organisation
EID301 - Educational Kinesiology In Depth
P401 - Brain Gym Teacher Practicum
CV360 - Creative Vision
Touch for Health I—IV
TCR311 - Total Core Repatterning
MRE350 - Movement Re-Education
Brain Dominance Profiles
A variety of my own movement development short courses for teachers
Clinical skills course for Consultants
BA Hons, (VUW)
Diploma in Education (Massey)
Diploma in Teaching (Canterbury)
Learning clinic combining kinesiology and tutoring since 1984
Brain Gym International Faculty since 1992
Brain Gym and Touch for Health Instructor