Brain Gym 26 Movements (Feb - March)
18th and 25th February, 1st, 10th and 24th March
2 - 5 pm
Online via Zoom
$325 NZD (repeat $175)
No. Hours
About the Course
Brain Gym 104 is an entry level, 16 hour class with lots of hands on opportunities to learn. We will practice the specially designed Brain Gym Movements and plan strategies for incorporating Brain Gym into everyday life, classrooms and clinics. In this workshop you will learn all 26 movements that comprise the basic Brain Gym programme.
The Brain Gym movements address the physical skills of learning. The movements are easy and enjoyable for children, adults and elders. They can bring about changes in focus, organization, comprehension, coordination, communication, memory, and self-regulation. Inside and outside classrooms the movements can positively impact reading, writing, math, vision, balance, dyslexia, sensory integration issues, midline issues and much more.
Techniques you will learn:
The 26 Brain Gym Movements
The Three Dimensions of Movement
The Learning Flow
The Five Principles
Basic Concepts
Drawing Out
Learn how to prepare for optimal learning
Identify how the brain and body cooperate together in a Learning Loop, what can happen under stress and how to correct that
Gain new understanding of movement and how it relates to learning, reading and other life skills.
Explore different physical movements and notice their effects on physical, mental and emotional systems and states
Learn the basic Brain Gym ® vocabulary, including the dimensions, categories and the five principles.
None, everyone is welcome
Course manual is The Brain Gym Teachers’ Edition, cost is $47 NZD plus postage. Please contact Anne Doig to purchase via aspecialfx@xtra.co.nz or 06 878 8694.
Your Instructor
Margaret Underwood
Margaret is an Educational Kinesiologist/Brain Gym Instructor from New Zealand. She has been teaching and consulting in this area for over 20 years. Margaret trained with Dr Paul Dennison and his wife Gail Dennision and Glenys Leadbeater to teach Creative Vision.
Margaret is International Faculty for New Zealand. She teaches Brain Gym 101, Vision Circles, OBO, Double Doodle Play, Educational Kinesiology In Depth, Practicum and Creative Vision.
A student and teacher of Tai Chi Chuan for 40 years in addition to a variety of other modalities which help inform her Educational Kinesiology work, Margaret loves teaching.
If you would like to enroll in the class, please contact Margaret on margaretu1@mac.com, cellphone +64 21 237 4550 or WhatsApp +1925-596 1562.